Thursday, February 18, 2010

this needs a name

I need your help.  Most of my followers are bloggers themselves and are very creative so I believe I'm asking the right group.

There's an occurrence in one's life that is common but yet as far as I know doesn't have a name.  It happens enough to so many that it really should have a name. 

Here's my description of it:
You are reading a magazine, a newspaper (ok I know I'm one of few still doing that), or maybe watching the news and it hits you - Celebrity  so-and-so is OLD.  When the hell did that happen?  Oh shit that means I'm old.  It can't be.  I remember him/her when they were smoking hot.
The lack of a name for this was apparent while reading a post on the Mrs. BlogAlot blog.  Her aged celebrity was Heather Locklear (who is NOT in the above picture).

Whatever we call this it's popular.  It's so popular that the first section of the AARP magazine (oh that's my aunt's AARP - oh OK it's mine) I read is their 'Big 5-oh' page. They also list 6-oh 7-oh etc.  Did you know Jennifer Grey (Dirty Dancing) and Valerie Bertinelli (One Day at a Time) both are turning 50 this year?

So if that news shocked you a little, what do you call that event that just happened to you?

Calling it "oh shit" is not descriptive enough.  Here's some of my suggestions:
  1. Bigohatize
  2. Denial Revealed
  3. Timestamped
  4. AARPatize
  5. Social Security
As you can see I need some help with this.  Please leave your suggestions in the comments.
(My oh my Jennifer and Valerie are so old!)

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