Wednesday, January 27, 2010

just a reminder - you know it's not over

Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do

Did you watch the telethon, Hope For Haiti Now, last Friday?  Did you know the songs with 100% of the sale proceeds going to charities are being offered on iTunes?

I just hate that there are people out there that would use a tragedy such as this to scam people.  So you do need to be careful where you go to contribute.  The red box above will link you to a page on the site which has trusted links to some of the charities.

One more government item - President Obama got a special bill passed to allow Americans to claim their contributions for Haiti on their 2009 taxes instead of waiting until next year.

I think one of the best performances on the Hope For Haiti Now was from Madonna.  She sang 'Like a Prayer' with a real sweet energy.  The backup choir helped too.  She's not even my favorite singer but this song was moving for me.  I found this youtube clip of it.  Hopefully, they will let it stay up for awhile.  enjoy and give them some help.

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