I might have combed my hair.
As I was reading some comments this morning, I came upon this one:
Unknown Mami said...
I'll go check it out. I linked to you in my most recent post.
What a great way to start the day! Unknown Mami gave me a shout out today and she wrote some very nice words about this blog.
Eclectic and wise
she wrote.Eclectic is one of my favorite words but I don't seem to have reason to use it much. Maybe that makes it special. While I am thinking of words I don't get to use much, here's another one that's slightly related - plethora.
Do you ever get a plethora of eclectic ideas but don't know where to start?
Nah, me neither.
Well along this idea of shout outs, I would like to mention another blogger:
Alantru has this very funny blog called Sick Days. (oh you dog lovers out there - he has a really cute dog face) His latest post is about a dating interview dream. Go read it you'll understand.
Actually I could go on but hey didn't you notice the list over here on the right -->>
Really you should check out those blogs (of course one of them might be yours).
One more thing - last December I discovered The Boxmasters. I'm listening to a recent CD of theirs called modbilly (how's that for eclectic taste in music?). One of the lines in their song Goin' Home is:
"...unless you've got a roadmap in your soul that leads back home."
A roadmap in your soul - now that would be useful!!