Jillsy Girl has a blog game/offering that has the prompt of "Blossom". The following post has been refurbished for her game (see the blog hop at the bottom). One more update note - it so happens that a gift of orchids prompted Jillsy Girl into using "Blossom". Strange coincidence.
OK - I want to share some knowledge that this old man could have used about 40 years ago. It's not exactly birds and bees but more flowers and bees. Specifically, orchids, sexual deception, sex crazed males, and perfume.
My lesson in this started with reading a National Geographic article called Love & Lies. I've been able to read much more now than at any period in my life.
A couple of lines from the article that I found indicative of a problem males of many species probably share:
"....insects so foolhardy as to spend their time mating with nature's version of the inflatable love doll."
"On balance, having sex with anything that moves yields more offspring, even if it also leads to occasional romantic disaster."
This last line reminds me of my youth and first wife (offsprings fine, ex not so). (Oh BTW - I've never touch an inflatable doll - not that you care)
What all males could learn from this article is that we are subject to being blinded by sexual desire and often do stupid things because of it. Ok, that's not a new discovery for most adults.
But did you know that orchids (as in a flower) practice sexual deception very well.

So I learned there's a male Aussie wasp that gets duped by the exciting promising smell given off by the Australian tongue orchid. The stud wasp smells what he thinks is a sexy female and jumps in only to waste his time and sperm on the flower. The orchid drops some pollen on the confused wasp.
In this particular insect species the female can reproduce with or without sperm from a male. If this starts happening with humans, then guys are screwed just decorations.
If you have the time, go over and read the NGM article. It's very interesting.
Stupid me, I once thought the perfume business basis was women wanting to just smell nice.
Slightly related news - Cougar Cruise targets the older woman If they don't already, they should provide plenty of orchids on-board for the cougars.
Well excuse me now - I need to smell the orchids.