Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wi-Fi flying higher

united airlines

Today's Chicago Tribune has a business section leading article on United Airlines pick of Aircell's internet service.

I almost missed it since my paper was buried in the snow. I must think today's cold frigid weather is on the minds of travelers at O'hare airports vs. wi-fi in the cabin. If I were flying today, I be wondering how many times they were going to deice my plane.

So United will roll out the service out on their transcontinental flights first. The article discussed the potential demand on longer vs. shorter flights. Two things left out were:

1 Battery life - will your wi-fi operating laptop last from NYC to LA? I doubt it.
2 Room to work on your laptop see an earlier post

I hope this Wi-Fi service works well and is a big hit. It might turn out that smartphones equipped with Wi-Fi might be the common device using these services. They do have better battery life.

one other note - Like many other articles on this subject the writer needed to drop a degrading remark about Airfone:
"...The carriers hope Aircell's Wi-Fi offerings will become a staple of travel and not a novelty like the old Airfones, which were pricey and rarely used..."

"Novelty" - I have read worst remarks about Airfone.

The flying Wi-fi wouldn't be here if Airfone had not existed.

Any reader use the Aircell system yet? Please comment.

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