Get together notice --->>
So, all of this means the next luncheon is scheduled for next Monday, October 10th, Columbus day, 12:00 at Fuddruckers on Finley road.
Last week the manager of the restaurant gave me a stack of 10% off coupons good on any order placed at the store. If next week is your first time at our lunch meeting, let me know and I will pass them on. Also, they are good for every time you eat there, so if you have one from last week, bring it along.
I hope to see you there, Mark.
So note the move to Monday!
Also, I'd like one of those 10% off coupons. Thanks Mark.
Correction - a xfoner pointed out that the calendar was not checked before that notice went out.
So in case you are confused this next meeting is on the 9th, Monday.
So putting errors in the posting (which I didn't do intentionally) does NOT generate comments.
A somewhat related item: According to Mike B., another lunch is scheduled for Friday the 6th at 11:30 at the Ponderosa in Aurora (New York St., just west of the mall). My schedule prevents me from going, but I like the idea of doing something a little closer to home. I think this gathering would be mainly people from the Aurora facility, but I was invited, so Oak Brook people must be welcome.
Well, that was another pleasant lunch with a very good turnout this time. I always come away feeling that I didn't get the chance to talk with everyone I wanted to, so hi to anyone I missed.
Big congratulations to Mark, our latest graduate. We'll miss you. At some point, it may just be me, lisleman and some current employees at these lunches.
well hopefully we will NOT need to move to the local soup kitchen ;)
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