Someone commented awhile ago that this blog activity would pick up after everyone left. Well there are some comments but I thought there would be more.
Maybe after our severance checks clear?
Maybe most took off for some vacation time?
Maybe my postings just don't stir much interest? (hey I could understand this, I'm just trying my hand at this)
So here's some topics:
Airline industry - one of most hated industries? I suspect more people hate the oil industry.
The internet - you are on the internet right? What's all this broadband going to mean.
Xfoner memories? I had some great trips to the UK back in the 90's. How about learning some more about those WAEA shows. Remember Moby?
Good chili recipes? Hey I'm thinking outside of the box here.
Good marketing sayings/lingo/BS? How about this recent one "monetize"?
Ideas for working from home? Anyone have one? Blogging doesn't look very promising.
Where to get free coffee now that I've been cut off from the free stuff at work.
What's the best industry for jobs? (one's with free coffee - would that be an ok question in an interview?)
Speaking of interviews - any good stories on this subject - I heard some were given tests.