Thursday, January 31, 2019

that's cold

More than a day of temperature below 0 degrees F. Lows going below -20 degrees (which if the online calculator is correct is around -30 degrees Celsius).

That's cold!

Or as Frank Sinatra would say "That's life".

Lot's of these in the desert state of AZ

I'm taking my mind off of our visiting arctic air mass by posting a picture or two from our recent trip to the desert. Arizona has lots of old weathered men. Last month I was able to join them.

We also spent time in southern CA. While there on a raining day we went to March AFB where they have an air museum. The rain kept us mostly inside but on the way in I was surprised to see this plane, a T-39. Not all that special of a plane but it holds a special memory for me. Over my 10 year career in the USAF I only flew once on an Air Force plane. Many, many trips on commercial aircraft. It was a T-39 flight across country to Eglin AFB FL that was my one and only Air Force flight. A great comfortable flight.

like a corporate jet

Also I learned a few things at the museum. Can you guess the name of this lovely lady working for a defense contractor during WW2. You might be able to read it if you click on the picture.

I didn't expect to see this

After she became famous she changed her name to Marilyn Monroe. (oh I guess she dyed her hair blonde a few times too)

I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king

Not really, but I've been a blogger and I know one thing. Each time I find myself, flat on my face. 

It hurts nose and gives a headache.

That's cold.

I know I'll change my tune when I'm back on top in June. 

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