Thursday, July 12, 2012

fanciful fabricated fragments floating falsetto from farm boys

(Warning: The post you are about to read contains Lisleman's opinion. Facts might be found to be fiction if they were actually fact checked. The opinions presented are not fully thought through. Sometimes I sit on my ass too long and it shows.) 

You may have noticed I enjoy thinking of new titles for my Friday Fragment (FF) posts. Freeing these ‘f’ words keeps my mind frost free. This might be my longest title ever.  Fragments are always in fashion on Fridays at Mrs. 4444’s blog.

Mommy's Idea

How do you season your seasons?

Missing spongebob squarepants? 

There was full page ad in Wednesday’s Chicago Tribune (nice to see ad support for our newspaper) alerting us in oversized (over an inch tall) letters to the current media crisis. 

Direct TV and Viacom have SpongeBob wrung out in their failed biz deal

today’s technology - picking up sister at a city on my road trip - checked out airport layout online before I left - found a McDonalds near the airport with free Wifi - able to look at pictures of the street where I turn for the McDonalds - check flight status while sipping a smoothie. Yeah I guess with a smartphone I could even skip the McDonalds part but the smoothie was good.

If you are curious about the story behind the above picture taken the other day then click here

I like my road time with music. Most of the time traveling with my sister last week was filled with conversation. I had brought a couple of CD of kids songs for our grand niece who traveled part of the trip with us. I was a little surprised to discover my sister did not care for the song “Baby Monkey” at all.

If your ears have not been delighted to this tune, then here’s a copy I found on youtube. (who needs squarepants if you have baby monkeys)


One more youtube/google thing - 
Yesterday I discovered a google site that allows you to create a quick google searching video. I quickly threw this one together using the “Baby Monkey” theme. I promise more to come as I ponder better search themes. What do you think of this creation that took less than 10 minutes to make?


(proofreading provided by C. F. Eyecare)


CaliforniaGirl500 said...

That Indian sculpture is, at least from the perspective of my laptop, WEIRD. It looks as though it has mis-shapen unexploded small bombs or missles forming the headdress. The body appears to be an empty gas canister (?). I like whimsical, recycled metal sculpture. My husband and I had one for years in our living room and it was quite the conversation piece. This out of doors on the lawn...a lawn jockey of native American prejudice.

Kathy said...

Baby monkey video cracked me up....too cute! Have a great weekend!

lisleman said...

I don't know if checked the linked post but you should because it explains more and has more pictures. Yes the metal sculptures at this place were very unusual. One problem with my picture is getting the shot without another sculpture blending into it. The yard was jammed pack with these odd things. If you were to display them you spread them out over a bigger area. "a lawn jockey of native American prejudice" - great description

lisleman said...

thanks - I think I might collect the positive/negative comments on this and send it to my sister.

Laurie Matherne said...

Baby Monkey is a great song, but for some strange reason, my dog, Iggy, doesn't like it. He walked away as soon as the song started. I like it!

lisleman said...

Maybe he is afraid you might put a baby monkey on his back. You have squirrel monkey down there right?

Laurie Matherne said...

All I know is that he is now once again sleeping at my feet now that the song is over. I don't know if he is scared of Central American monkeys, but he is afraid of that song.

actingbalanced said...

Thank you for sharing Baby Monkey... it was definitely an experience

lisleman said...

It's a fun short song. I'll take your comment as a positive liked it. Listening to it is better than actually riding backwards on pig.

elliereads said...

Dear C.F. (Whom I am guessing is also the author),
I like your f-in' alliteration. That is not a cuss, only a mirror of your alliterative self.

CiCi W said...

The tile could have said from farm Fellas and then it would have all had the f in each word. Ha.

Your sister did not care for the baby monkeys tune, but did your grand niece?

I have to side with your sister about the baby monkey song. The video made me want to help the pig get that monkey off his back. I have had to do that myself many times in life. Ha.

lisleman said...

Why didn't I think of "fellas"? good one. Our grand niece loved the song. Yes, that other type of monkey on your back is bad news. Have a great weekend. thanks

lisleman said...

C.F. Eyecare offers blog post proofreading. Let me know if you are interested in this unreliable cheap service. Alliteration is a fun challenge.

elliereads said...

Have you ever seen the kids book CDB? It's a play on letters. (Check it out, written by William Steig.)

Secret Agent Woman said...

My kids were (are?) big SpongeBob fans. I find him a little annoying but do think it's a clever cartoon. And I could sing the theme song in my sleep.

lisleman said...

Did you share that singing ability to your dates? Funny to think about - thanks

tracismixedbag said...

My sister was telling me about the direct tv thing, it's funny but my 5 year old niece noticed there was no more Nickelodeon.

We really like the cherry smoothies from McDs and the wifi, I don't have a smart phone but I have an ipod touch and free wifi comes in handy.

lisleman said...

I suspect the Direct tv thing will get settled soon since it's hurting both companies. yes free wi-fi is great but you do need to be careful how you use it because of wi-fi sniffers.

Barbara Shallue said...

I love baby monkey!! Kinda felt sorry for the pig though. And I love your search video, too. Great job!! I am sad about Spongebob, although honestly I wasn't even aware he was still on. I watched a marathon once with my kids on vacation in Florida and admit I laughed a LOT! My brain was getting spongy by the end, though...

lisleman said...

So the baby monkey is a brute then? Marathon Spongebob? I would certainly need to come up for air before that ended.

unknownmami said...

Luna Pie was shakin' her tooshie to Baby Monkey, so I guess that makes it a hit.

lisleman said...

Yeah - good to know - thanks for playing it for her.

Single Mom in the South said...

Fortunately for me, I got rid of everything but broadcast channels a few years back, so this whole Direct TV scandal is not affecting my poor, NetFlix-dependent children! I

It's amazing, the things we discover when we stay on the computer too long!

Was just discussing last night how I've become completely dependent on my Smartphone!

lisleman said...

Unless you watch shows on your smartphone, you still need internet access. I know I can drop the channels from my comcast and just get internet but it seems like too much to pay for just internet. I have been thinking about doing the internet only switch.

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