Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Seriously nobody gets out alive

Death - do we discuss it much?
Depends on the situation.

Discussing living is usually more enjoyable, but death comes around and reminds us it’s still there.  If I think about what I just wrote, I conclude that I’m just stating the obvious.  I feel obliged to ease into this subject, but death itself is not so obliged to come on a slow easy track.

Lighten up - I’m OK and so is my family.  A close friend of my mother-in-laws recently passed away and maybe that brought up the subject in my mind.

But today, I found another death related story that shows the wrong thinking about death IMHO.

Catholic Church bans footy theme songs at funerals

(footy theme songs - unless you’re an Aussie you probably need a translation - football/soccer team songs)

This headline and story comes from Perth Australia.  Now it makes no difference to me since neither I nor my family plan any funerals over there.  But if this dumb restriction spreads through the church it may ruin my plans for my funeral theme song.  What doesn’t everyone have a funeral theme song?

C’mon, where’s the “fun” in “funeral” if you don’t have a little music?

Actually my funeral theme song is not related to any sports.  I just like the song and think the lyrics are very appropriate.  It’s “Spirit in the Sky “ by Norman Greenbaum.  If you don’t recall it (or you’re too young) I’ve included a youtube clip below.

What song would like to be played at your funeral?

The Aussie story list the top requested songs.  I’ll just list a few notable ones.
  • My Way, Frank Sinatra
  • Unforgettable, Nat King Cole
  • Over the Rainbow, Judy Garland
  • Stairway to Heaven, Led Zeppelin
  • Another One Bites the Dust, Queen
  • Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, The Wizard of Oz
(the last one just cracks me up)

Don’t you think your funeral should be a celebration of your life.  I enjoy music so celebrate with some music.  I enjoy jokes but bringing in a stand-up comedian might be too expensive.  But hey, if you can get a good one to stop by for free - go for it.

I love humor which is why "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" is a favorite radio show (yes I listen to a radio show).  It was that show that alerted me to the funeral music story and the following story.  

Barbarba Sue Manire is a great example of offering humor even after you have expired.

That parking meter flag is up on her tombstone and it reads EXPIRED.  Her family honored her wish of having an expired parking meter on her grave.  I do believe "her humor lives on".  Here's a bit about her story (also a few more pics of it).

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