Back again for another round of "where's the clown". It's the latest internet craze. (well I enjoy it)
Confused? About to click off the page? Wait - playing is simple, just leave a guess in the comments. If you really want to be a player you could also post a picture of yours on your blog for us and we'll come over and guess it's location.
This time I'm posting two pictures. I'm not sure if the earth object in this first odd picture is still there (this photo is a few years old). When I took the picture the place looked abandoned and I have no idea of what use the owner (if an owner even existed) had for this.
Apparently this earth model was made just before a hurricane hit (see the swirling storm).
This second picture was taken in the same general area but down by the docks. I kinda forgot the story but a waving lady and her dog were famous in the town.
This should be really easy for one of my blog followers/readers, because I think she lives in this area.
Ok - where is it ???
If you're interested in the last three rounds click here.
Hey if you've read this far down you should just go ahead and leave a guess.