Maybe you know of my other blog(s). Maybe you don't.
My "Another Circus" is a blog mostly of collecting favorite internet video clips. I also throw in a strange picture or two. Now I know sometimes you can't access youtube (source of most clips) because your IT department decided youtube was evil and must be banned (well maybe they want you to work more?).
One reason I like keeping this other blog is the convenience of having the list of clips ready when I want to show someone the funny stuff I've found. Also, since most of the clips are very G rated, I've used this blog collection to entertain my grandson.
I recently updated the background template (whad-ya-think?) and one problem I discovered was the original font is too dark. I've been going back looking at some of the better posts and updating the font color. Well this mini-review exercise gave me this short list of what I think are the better ones. I'm not suggesting you've never seen any of these but take a look and share your thoughts in a comment - thanks. (seriously these are all safe for work or little ones)
twins double your fun
sheep tech
beer story from downunder (this one of the longer clips)
talented pet
SNL fun
Never had a hamburger (this one is very interesting but not funny)
Dancing in the street (grandson really liked this one)
Best beer ad (only half a minute)
Nope, I did not realize you had a video clip blog! I liked the SNL fun clips. My husband overheard them and started laughing out loud.
Thanks for your kind words on Eddie Bluelights' Sunday Roast. I really appreciate it.
@JJ - thanks for the feedback. I'm glad my selection gave you two some laughs - always a good thing. Well you helped confirm that I can't assume readers check out other links on my blog without some prompting. thanks for checking the links.
I realised you had other blogs when I first check-out your profile but never visited them (do you have one more or two more?)(I chose this one because I like the name).
Now I know where to go for some light and easy entertainment :)
@ocean girl - thanks, this one is my main one and the one I update most often. I have a few of them but really only three have much in them. So if you've been keeping track the one I didn't mention is called Change Gov Luv. there's a link at the top of this blog - thanks again.
@ocean girl - thanks, this one is my main one and the one I update most often. I have a few of them but really only three have much in them. So if you've been keeping track the one I didn't mention is called Change Gov Luv. there's a link at the top of this blog - thanks again.
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