Picking someone's name - it's been many years since I was directly involved.
I think we did OK, but I do wonder what some people were thinking (or drinking) when they came up with their child's name.
For example, Mr. & Mrs. Fields shouldn't think of Daisy for their daughter. Would a Mr. & Mrs. Banks consider naming their child Robin? I hope not.
Mary Schmich of the Chicago Tribune recently wrote a column on names based on the baseball team, Cubs. If you're not familiar with the Chicago Cubs and their fans then you'll need some background before her column makes much sense. It now has been over a century since the Cubs won a World Series. Here's a site to fill you in on the Cubs - Just One Bad Century.
What do the Cubs have to do with naming children?
Two recent stories come to mind:
1. The subject of Mary's column was a fake birth announcement placed in the Chicago Tribune by the owners of Just One Bad Century site. It was both a joke and a promotional thing. The child was named Waitle Nex Yeare.

2. There's a controversial player on the Cubs roster named Milton Bradley.
(still want more background - here's a post on Cubs and lawyers from Sept. 2008)
Funny names - As most of you know, if you can think of it, then it's probably on the internet. So in a few microseconds I was looking through the wikipedia page on unusual personal names. (BTW, did you know wiki is a Hawaiian word for fast?)
On that wikipedia page you'll learn of:
- Wrigley Fields, named for the baseball field Wrigley Field.
- Gwyneth Paltrow's baby girl named Apple Blythe Alison Martin. (she'll never have a good orchard)
- A teenager changed his name to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined.
So time ago in my career I worked with Irish and British developers. I remember being puzzled when an Irish engineer I was working with here in the States broke out laughing while reading our plant's phone directory. He turned to me and asked, "Is this a real person or a mistake?"
I looked and said, "Well I know Randy Darling, he works on the blah, blah ..."
Now I know that you better check other countries' slang words before naming your child.
Well do you think this guy's moniker is going help him find a good job?
Robin A Clown linkedin page