We find connections in events and stuff of our lives all the time. I'm often not sure the connections are really there. Patterns can be spotted if you are looking for them. But is it like seeing animals in the clouds on a summer day?
Did you notice a face pattern in the above picture? Now that happy face wasn't really a cloud - it's from an air show made by a sky writer.
Because of the air traffic where I live, it's common to see the letter X traced across the sky from the contrails left. X marks the spot - right?
Recently, I found a blog that described letterboxing. Also, my wife just the other day pointed out an article about a treasure hunt activity called Geocaching. I have not tried either but geocaching sounds like a high tech version of letterboxing. It seemed strange that these related subjects would show up within a few days of each other.
Both activities involve hidden boxes. The geocaching game/adventure involves GPS units and the internet.
Of course, the nature of the internet is connections or as commonly called "links". It's all built on links. So some subjects probably tend to appear in many different blogs because bloggers read each other's material. The "viral video" happens because of this linking and the community sites that encourage posting and sharing favorite finds.
Have you tried this treasure hunting? Please share in the comments.
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