Thursday, August 24, 2006

guest posting

Hey Airfone Crew,

Its Eryn. Have you all forgot about me???

Anyways things are going ok at my new job. I am still getting use to working in a cube and actually having to do work. It is strange to work from 8:30- 6:30 everyday with no lunch. I guess this is what it is like to be in the "real work world".

So my big project that I am working on is SEO- Search Engine Optimization for a new acquistion called I basically have to figure out how to get more traffic from the search engines to and It is pretty interesting. Also, I have been working on a Strategic Plan for my team- Sell It Yourself. I would have put a picture here but I don't know how. Maybe Bill you could help me out.

Miss you all- Take Care. Keep in touch. Buy or sell your car on Sorry I need to promote my new job. I'm sure you understand. At this job they actually care if the company is making money or not. What a concept????


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