Is blogging an escape or do you need to escape blogging?
Yes perhaps this appears to be an odd question. Maybe I’m just in an odd frame of mind today. I like blogging but at times I start wondering if I like it too much. I’ve learned that a daily post is overload for me. I probably think about the post topic and wording too much.
The escape velocity for earth is about 25,000 miles per hour. How many posts per day is needed to reach blog escape velocity?
another circus

I think I am coming up on two months of no post. I don't miss it all that much. I've had lots of things going on. I still enjoy reading, but I don't even read as much as I used to either.
I don't know. I seem to be stuck in the once a week syndrome and it doesn't generate much traffic. Of course, having DISQUS on one of my two blogs malfunction doesn't help.
I often consider merging the two blogs but "Women of A Certain Age" is political with a soupcon of the personal, the whimsical and the photographical. (Yes, I made that last word up.)
Interesting question. My fingers flew for nine months, sort of a core dump. Now I type fast if I have a string of subjects, slowly if it's a one day subject, and don't type at all if I have nothing. How about you?
Thanks for sharing. What do you attribute it to? Been there don't that type of thing or just life moved you in a different direction?
Having tried the multiple blog idea I've found it's very tough to give them equal treatment. I still have the other blogs but at times they can go for weeks without a post. I think once a week is not bad. I can NOT explain my observation that older posts don't generate comments. So if you want comments (I've been known to beg for comments) a stale post of say 2 weeks ago just isn't going to cut it. I don't understand the reason.
I keep a document running that I drop ideas into. So my typing speed doesn't necessarily indicate the ideas I have. I do at times get a small burst of ideas. I might be doing a few reposts. I read some where the readers that remember the post still enjoy the repost. Of course, you have the readers who never read it before.
thanks for sharing
I think it started out as an escape for me, but now I quite like escaping from it. ;)
I hope you don't but that's the dilemma. It can hook you.
thanks for sharing.
I was intending to drop by today now my busy weekend is over. Blogging is a commitment really. And like anything if you don't do it its easy to stay away. I like it just because its good to write stuff I guess. I have never really done daily posts, that would be way too much for me. The most I ever did was every second day but that was when I was first starting to blog and did heaps of posts. th enumber of posts I have done has decreased with every year BUT I will never give it up completely. There is a lot of me in my blog and it is where my late father has his posts as well. I think the reading of blogs is more of an escape for me as is any recreational internet browsing like online shopping etc. Escape isnt a bad thing as long as being online is balanced with everything else in your life. Now you know if you wanted a one word answer to your question I was the wrong person to give it to you. Have a great week ahead. Surely it must be warm weather over there by now?
It was warm than got cold. March being warmer than April so maybe the earth tilted the wrong way.
No, I was not expecting a one word answer. I figured your experience of having a hiatus from blogging provided you a unique view on this. Interesting that you will never give it up. I guess a few bloggers I know that quit may return someday but I just don't think so. I call it the Forrest Gump effect.
thanks for sharing
Blog world has become special to me.
I have been reading more books and blogging less.....for me the weather is a big factor....worse the weather more I blog and read better the weather more I'm outside where my internet connect sucks and my weeds win!
Just a FYI - yesterday I took a look at your G+ profile and did not see your new blog address. I see it is in your DISQUS profile so that's good but you should update your G+ info.
Just a FYI - yesterday I took a look at your G+ profile and did not see your new blog address. I see it is in your DISQUS profile so that's good but you should update your G+ info.
A seasonal blogger - interesting. I have noticed over the years that the calendar certainly does impact blog visits. I never thought of weeds being an influence.
thanks for sharing
I used to blog every day and I can say I do enjoy it. After awhile though, every day turns out to be too much. Blogging is supposed to be fun and a way to express myself. So when my world revolves around blogging, it's time to think twice about how much time I am spending on the computer.
Every day is too much for me. You are right about it being fun. Real life is a higher priority but people spend hours watching shows which is not real life either. Now replacing it with face-to-face time and walks is totally different.
I'm certainly not posting as much as I have in the past and it's enough for me! (at least for the time being). I wish I had more time to comment, though.
I go back and forth between the two. Most days I love my blog and it is the escape but some days it feels like another item on my To-Do List. So you are not alone.
Thank you Bill, I will work on it. I want only blog friends to find me at my blog, not strangers.
That's done by making it private and only allowing invited people in. I think you need to identify each person by email address. I actually think the easier way (if everyone is on G+ - big IF I know) would be to form a circle and only post to your special circle with the sharing turned off. Good luck
thanks for sharing. Balance is not easy.
Reading and commenting can take longer than just posting.
thanks for sharing.
I'm not making my blog private but Google+ are too full of strangers. So I will work on how only my blog buddies can see my blog link, until then I am leaving my old Live High link at Google+.
It's neither an escape for me nor something I need to escape from. It's more of a community and an outlet. But I have cut back in the past year, mostly because I've been busy with other things.
thanks for sharing - I enjoy reading your blog. Hope you don't get too busy.
It's both for me.... "an escape" and I need to escape to be able to "escape from blogging!" LOL Did that make any sense???
Yes it did make sense and maybe that shows that I have the problem too. thanks.
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