But maybe my blog is, on occasion.
My occupation has never been listed on any form or resume as teacher but I have taught. You probably have too. All of you parents out there are teachers. Also, the aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters can be teachers too. Much of the teaching is done informally but if the student learns, what’s the difference?
You could start teaching to strangers at the bus stop. I doubt it would go over well but you might get on the local news (which if you do please mention my blog as your inspiration).
I actually did teach in a formal setting once. A summer class on programming at a community college. It was interesting, alright, I got paid, but it left me feeling frustrated too. In the end I wanted to throw a few of the students out.
So to the teachers out there who list teaching as their occupation and guide those monsters wonderful children - my hat goes off to you and all the best because it’s an important job. At this point, I want to remind you (one of you might remember) that I have daughters who teach and of course they are the best in the world (IMHO).
My most common teaching experience has been informal on-the-job type teaching. From this I learned the absolute best way to learn something thoroughly is to explain or teach it to another person. At one point in my career, I was involved in customer training/teaching. The most interesting part of that assignment was having an audience of English as a second language customers. No problemo (which really should be “no hay problema”) as long as they are educated and I have a translator along.
A post or two ago (do you count in posts?) was about I-imagination. The idea was the idea. Well using I-imagination, I wondered what it would have been like to have been taught by the renowned teacher Socrates. Of course, I’ll assume I could understand and speak ancient Greek and I didn’t mind wearing a toga.
“I know that I know nothing,” Socrates apparently said once but I’m guessing it was not during a job interview because it does convey much confidence.
The above picture is a painting of the school of Athens. It doesn’t look like any classroom I’ve been in. The guy sprawled across the steps looks like trouble to me. I don’t think they taught in classrooms and maybe typical age of the students were older.
One common aspect of the painting and my informal teaching experience is the teacher-student ratio. It’s either one-on-one or very close. Today that is mostly found in tutoring arrangements. Good attitude and confidence are key factors in successful learning and tutoring can provide those.
I recently learned of company called StudyPoint that is expanding their tutoring services. Tutoring offered by StudyPoint is all done one-on-one but I am sure if they have Socrates types they don’t wear their togas. That would be distracting.
Another Greek, Mentor, was the tutor of Telemachus. He must have been a great tutor since his name has become synonymous with it. I wonder if in the far distant future Lisleman will become a word meaning great blogging or lighten up already.
The above picture is a painting of the school of Athens. It doesn’t look like any classroom I’ve been in. The guy sprawled across the steps looks like trouble to me. I don’t think they taught in classrooms and maybe typical age of the students were older.
One common aspect of the painting and my informal teaching experience is the teacher-student ratio. It’s either one-on-one or very close. Today that is mostly found in tutoring arrangements. Good attitude and confidence are key factors in successful learning and tutoring can provide those.
I recently learned of company called StudyPoint that is expanding their tutoring services. Tutoring offered by StudyPoint is all done one-on-one but I am sure if they have Socrates types they don’t wear their togas. That would be distracting.
Another Greek, Mentor, was the tutor of Telemachus. He must have been a great tutor since his name has become synonymous with it. I wonder if in the far distant future Lisleman will become a word meaning great blogging or lighten up already.