Yesterday, I was noticing Games People Play on the internet and particularly on The Message boards that involve songs on their Ipods. So I Came Up Smilin' with this Idea to write a post using song titles.
It's Not Unusual or difficult to find The Stranger titles varying from a Willie And The Hand Jive to a Rocky Raccoon.
After Searching I noticed many More song titles with just One word titles than I realized. So having individual words available to select from such as Yellow to Clocks (same band too) allows You to write first and then find the titles. If you want to Take It Easy, you could use that approach.
You could make it more difficult and Take It to the Limit by selecting from just an Old Fashioned Love Song list.
Or limit the selection to just Your Song titles or a specific Time period.
Then some titles are complete sentences. I think these are much more fun to use in a conversation.
Now, You Really Got Me.
You're So Vain.
You Can't Always Get What You Want.
But, You Can Leave Your Hat On.
Walk Like An Egyptian.
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right.
Tell Her About It
Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey.
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?
Get Back, Eli's Coming so don't be The Fool On The Hill and bring Something like Joy To The World.
Don't Let Me Down.
We've Only Just Begun.
Now, I'm So Tired. So let me know your opinion.
Maybe, I Started a Joke. Your opinion is important Because, You May Be Right.
Don't Pass Me By.
Good Night.
It's Still Rock And Roll To Me.
2009 by Lisleman
Share a smile
I will need to confer with my resident music expert to create something of a high caliber for your amusement.
Meanwhile, I was inspired to check out some song title websites and found this gem:
Guaranteed to make you giggle.
Oh - and thanks for adding me to your blogroll! :)
@FF Wow that's some long list of country titles. Yes that category has both fun titles and lyrics. I agree with his favorite.
thanks and good luck on your creation.
That is a great idea. I find that I talk in song titles and lyrics anyway so I feel inspired. Still I think you made it look easier than it is.
Another fun post, except now I feel the need to hunt some of theses songs down. I was just singing Tell Her About It the other day.
@LLnL Inspired? Wow I'm glad to share the idea. Let me know if you post something like this and I'll link to it.
Easy - well that depends on how you do it. Like I said there are so many titles and many with just one word. Just about everyone's name (maybe more female names than male?) has been used.
So I was tossing the idea around for a day or two.
I used Itunes and copied/pasted a long list of titles into a document and then started going up and down the list and rearranging into something that made some sense.
I bet there is a title in my post that I don't even know of.
That is so clever! What fun!Gosh I will have to think back as I rarely listen to music anymore for some reason. Great idea though. Do you really have heaps of blogs by the way?
@lilly thanks maybe this is something that I'll do again. There is certain plenty of material to use.
Heaps of blogs (sounds like produce or something) - I have 4 active ones. I also brought a few URL's but I not used them for blogging. I like using blogger.
I loved this post and it's fun playing music title games with you on the forum too. Thumbs up!
@timethief - thanks it was fun to do. Oh and thanks for that very nice review.
@timethief - thanks it was fun to do. Oh and thanks for that very nice review.
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